Saturday, 6 July 2013

Get Your Serial Numbers OUT!

Some women still do not know they have fraudulent PIP implants so we have launched a new campaign  Get Your Serial Numbers Out!  

Click on the link or on the image below to learn more.

We want to encourage all women with silicone breast implants (SBIs) to check their implant details including their serial numbers and follow them up if necessary.

Please pass it on!

In the UK 47,000 women are thought to have been affected by the PIP global health fraud. As many as 100,000 women in Europe and 500,000 women worldwide have become victims of the crime, resulting from a massive Regulatory failure.

Even though the P.I.P. fraud was exposed in 2010 by French Police when they closed the manufacturing plant and arrested the company's directors, some British women have only just discovered they have fraudulent P.I.P. Breast Implants. 

In Britain, the Health & Safety Regulator (the MHRA) raised the alert about fraudulent P.I.P. implants two days before Christmas in 2011, twenty-one months later.

It was the responsibility of the operating hospital or clinic to notify patients if they had P.I.P implants. Unfortunately, the breast implant register had been scrapped by the MHRA five years earlier, clinics had closed-down or disappeared: two of Britain's top 2 providers restructured just to avoid their Duty of Care to their P.I.P. patients.

Relying on disreputable clinics and without an Implant Register, notifying all patients affected by P.I.P. has been an impossible task.  

So, just to be sure which silicone breast implants you have, and to be ready for the Breast Implant Register when it arrives:

Please Check Your Serial Numbers. 

Year/ Date of Surgery: .........................................................

Clinic: ..............................................................................

Surgeon: ...........................................................................

Clinic Phone Number: ..........................................................

Medical Device: High Risk Category III Silicone Breast Implants

Manufacturer : ...................................................................


Size: .....................................  Model: ................................

Lot: ......................... Serial Number: ...................................


Size: .....................................  Model: ................................

Lot: ......................... Serial Number: ....................................

If you experience problems, symptoms or complications with your silicone breast implants, these should be notified to the MHRA using an Adverse Incident Report.  Your clinic or surgeon should do the same.  You will find the necessary forms on the link above and on the MHRA website.

Please make a note of the manufacturer's name, the year, the Lot and the unique serial numbers. Keep the original labels and your implant documents in a safe place, somewhere easy to find and easy to remember. Why not do it today?

If you are unable to confirm the Serial Numbers of your silicone breast implants & your clinic cannot or will not help, assume your implants are P.I.P. Please contact your GP or your clinic and begin your journey to removal today.

If you are worried about your implants, you will find help, support and information at: PIP Action Campaign