Wednesday, 14 August 2013

PIP Implant Analysis

British 'experts' advising the government do not consider further testing necessary on fraudulent PIP implants 

For some unexplained motive, the health authorities in Britain have taken the view that nothing can be gained by conducting further testing on fraudulent PIP implants. Yet physicians, surgeons, independent experts and victims, particularly those reporting immune system, neurological and toxicity illness still want answers!
"We hope that as more facts about PIP Implants emerge,  there will be a greater level of understanding of our symptoms and a better standard of care and treatment from the medical professionals treating us."

If you have explanted PIP implants and you wish to participate in and contribute to studies on PIP implants, you will find all the details you need here!

There are two forms to complete.  The first is the PIP Implant Analysis form which you see below and can be completed online, the second is the Symptom Survey which you can download here: 

PIP Implants can be sent for analysis regardless of where you are in the world.  Regrettably as many as half a million women and their families have been affected globally by the PIP implant fraud.

Participating in studies on PIP implants will not provide all the answers but it gives all of us hope that more will be learned about the effects of contaminated silicones on our bodies for the future.

Dr Beretta, the senior chemist undertaking the analyses at Milan University, talks about his preliminary findings in some detail on PIP Action Campaign's social networking and Facebook pages.  Please feel free to join in the discussions and to learn more about PIP Implant Analysis at our Facebook Group:

Request to join the PIP Action Campaign group on Facebook or find us on the web at PIP Action Campaign and at PIPSLEAK

Send the completed Symptom Survey with your implants to the laboratory at Milan University at the address that you can find at the end of the PIP Implant Analysis form below.